Monday, July 25, 2011

Family Prayer

Family prayer is very important. One of the reasons that praying as a family is valuable is that (1) children learn that the things their parents do are important (Matt. 6:21: For where your treasure is, there your heart will be), and (2) children memorize easily by repeated exposure.

For a couple of months, I've been trying to have us say a Morning Offering. To be frank, I forget more mornings than I remember. It's not a part of my routine yet. When I do say the prayers with the children, I read them all myself and quickly (at an adult's speed) because I knew they were too complicated for such little children. They couldn't possibly learn them, so I wasn't going to slow down for them to hear the words better and try to participate. I had noticed Mary mumbling along with me, but I thought she was mumbling nonsense, as a two-year-old might do.

A couple of days ago, I actually listened and was shocked to realize that my two- and four-year-olds have almost the entirety of the first two paragraphs of the below prayer memorized. What fruits from my pathetic, half-hearted efforts! Let us all participate in more family prayer!

Morning Prayers

Glory be to the Father who created me. Glory be to the Son who redeemed me. Glory be to the Holy Ghost who sanctified me. Blessed be the Holy and undivided Trinity, now and forever. In the name of my crucified Savior Jesus Christ, who has shed His most precious blood for me, I arise to begin another day. May He bless, preserve and govern me and bring me to everlasting life. Amen.

O Dearest Father, most merciful God! Thou hast given me another day with renewed opportunity to work out my salvation by faithfully complying with Thy holy will; I adore Thee and love Thee with all my heart, and I thank Thee most sincerely for all thy benefits, especially for having preserved me during the night.

O my God, I offer Thee all my thoughts, words, actions, and sufferings of this day in union with the sufferings of Thy divine Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ which He endured upon the Cross on Calvary. My Jesus, keep my soul today free and stainless from sin.

Holy Mother Mary, I place myself under thy powerful protection and ask the help of thy intercession. Immaculate Virgin, beautiful morning Star! illumine with the light of thy spotless and sinless life my path today that in humble submission I may cheerfully comply with God's will in all things.


  1. How gratifying, exciting and terrifying all at once. :)
    I've been looking for a morning offering, and that one is wonderful; where'd you find it?

  2. Sarah Faith: It is from a missal "Key of Heaven: A Manual of Catholic Devotions with Epistles and Gospels," ed. Rev. J. M. Lelen, Ph.D. NY: Catholic Book Publishing Co. 1947.

  3. Wow how wonderful they have already remembered so much! Love that prayer too- it's a beautiful way to start the day.
