Friday, June 17, 2011

The Housewife's Roller Coaster

The emotional "roller coaster" of a suburban housewife:

Up: It is Quiet Time and both big kids are being quiet in their own rooms. The baby is nursing to sleep. Peace reigns. Deep breaths.

Down: When the four-year-old escapes Quiet Time, Mama investigates the very quiet two-year-old to discover that she escaped while Mama was nursing down the baby--silently slipping right past us! What do we find downstairs? The toddler has eaten half a loaf of homemade peach cobbler bread and strewn about ten gazillion crumbs on the floor. Said with chipmunk cheeks and garbled voice: "Sorry for eating your bread, Mama."

Up: Crumbs are cleaned up, Mama might as well take advantage of this lovely nap the baby is taking to make tonight's dinner. The kids will cook with me and we will be a Happy Family.

Down: But there are no onions. The two meal options for which I have ingredients absolutely require onions. Can I wake up the baby and load all the kids in the car at three o'clock in the afternoon to go buy onions? No. Can I send husband to go buy onions? No. Can I make something else for dinner . . . like toast?

Up: Husband wanders into the kitchen and mentions that he'll be at a Catholic men's event tonight. Problem solved. Mama and kids will have cold cereal for dinner and be happy about it! Ah, peace reigns again.

All my problems should be this small, right? I am blessed.


  1. peach cobbler bread? must have the recipe!

  2. Elaine:

    I made it using half white sugar, half brown, and I added some cinnamon. See the comments about how some cooks spiced up the recipe a bit. I omitted pecans and used fresh peaches.

  3. I had to laugh out loud at "But there are no onions!"... story of my life more times than I want to admit!!! I love it.
