Friday, June 24, 2011

Dinner Out

Last night we hired a sitter and went out to dinner, probably for the first time in about four to five months. It was very nice and refreshing to get out. On one hand, the time since Margaret was born has flown by, but it really says something when I realize I've been with all three children almost 24/7 and every single evening for almost five months without a break. I've got to watch that I don't go so long without refreshment because Mama starts to go just a little bit bonkers . . .

Of course, Miss M. accompanied us. She was mostly a pleasant dinner companion, although she did require an open-air constitutional outside the restaurant for five minutes during the middle of the meal so she could collect herself and fall into a restful sleep. She had adoring fans cooing and giggling at her from adjoining tables and we all know that kind of attention exhausts a young lady.


  1. To be fair, now that I think of it, I've had some breaks. :) The sitter comes two mornings per week and usually on one of those days I'll go do errands with just the baby for an hour or two. And I've had one night out since Margaret was born, when she and I went to an evening Mass and to coffee afterward. STILL, an evening date was very appreciated!

  2. I love to see your hair down, Katherine - it's so pretty. :)

  3. Oh, that's sweet, Frances. Chris was saying the same thing . . . and then as we were loading into the van for our date, my hair got all tangled in my sling and purse straps and a comedic moment ensued of Chris trying to untangle me, that making it worse, me telling him to let go of the purse, etc.

  4. You look so thin!
    How fun to have a night out.

  5. Oh, dear Sarah. I do believe that you might need glasses.

  6. Matt & I agree with Sarah. Very beautiful!
