Monday, June 13, 2011

Delicious White Food

I try not to go on and on about John's picky/limited eating anymore. But those of you who have followed the saga since he was six months old or who have a picky eater of your own will appreciate this comment:

The kids and I had come home from the grocery store, where I had bought us bakery treats, as chosen by each of us. We arrived home, washed up, and sat down to eat our treats. John asked what we each had, so I showed how I had a molasses cookie and Mary showed how she had a chocolate chip cookie. John had chosen a plain croissant and he said with triumphant joy:

"And mine has no flavor at all!"

He would probably be happy if all his food had "no flavor at all," sweet boy!


  1. Croissants have the best flavor of all: flaky, buttery goodness! Good choice on his part. ;-) What a sweetheart John is!
