Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Margaret: Day 3

Mary dressed her dolly in a newborn onesie this morning . . .

. . . and then dressed her Grandmom in a newborn hat.

She broke out in "Happy Birthday, Margaret" spontaneously and I caught the second round on film.
Studying her daddy

One of my big goals for tomorrow is to give Mary her first bath and wash the vernix out of her hair. It's amazing how busy everything seems to me, yet time is slowed down and every newborn task takes a long time, especially as I'm recovering and taking things slower than I thought I would be. Today for the first time I ventured out of the master bedroom and into an adjoining room to get something. And then I panted and sat down to rest. Woo-hoo!

Margaret discovered her thumb and sucked herself to sleep: I wonder if I'll have my first thumb-sucker!

The kids are so in love with their new baby sister, they can hardly stop kissing and hugging her when they are around. I've been missing them, actually, as they gallivant around doing fun stuff like flying kites with their visiting grandparents. Then when they burst into the bedroom to visit, they push past me to love on Baby Margaret. I keep trying to sneak in hugs and snuggles with my big ones! Meanwhile, Mary grew overnight to the size of a Kindergartener and John might be ready for high-school. They seem so big and independent to me! Tonight I was feeling lonely for the children (the big ones!) so I asked Mary if she wanted me or Daddy to dress her in her pajamas. She chose me and I felt gratified to still be wanted! Isn't that funny?


  1. She's smiling ar her big brother!!! It just melts my heart.

  2. Precious photos! I can't believe how tiny she is (and I know she is a good sized baby!). I just loved the photo of her sucking her thumb. How wonderful John and Mary are being with her too!

  3. Oh no! These newborn pix are giving me SUCH ideas!!! :)
