Saturday, March 19, 2011

Feast of St. Joseph

We attended a traditional and festive St. Joseph celebration today! Four of the mamas were pregnant and there were many young children running around, so it was family-oriented, comfortable, and fun. The spread of food was delicious.

The St. Joseph altar was beautiful and traditional. (One can read about customs here.) We arrived a bit late and were just in time to pray the Litany of St. Joseph and some other prayers with all the guests. Then the children put symbolic items on the altar: our children brought lilies. Each child was given a St. Joseph medal on a ribbon necklace and a holy card.

The gang of children had grand fun playing outdoors for most of three straight hours. John and J----, both four years old, spent virtually the entire time digging a hole in the dirt, and the two rag-a-muffins couldn't have been happier. I think we parents will be enjoying an easy and early bedtime for the children tonight!

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