Thursday, November 4, 2010

All Bundled Up

My friend Elaine knitted this precious cap for John when he was two years old and now it fits Mary.

John wanted to take a "both of us picture" but Mary turned her back and stomped her feet because she didn't want to share the spotlight. I swear, this child knows she is turning two in a couple of weeks! She's really showing some "exciting" new, dramatic behaviors lately.

Other behaviors: not allowing anybody else to sing a song because all songs are "hers," not allowing me to read to both children at once, only to her, and telling me, "Go away, Mommy!" every time she wants to do something naughty. And she's learned that when I try to pick her up and forcibly move her, she goes dead weight and holds her arms straight above her head, so she is like a slippery eel. (No, she's not actually allowed to get away with these behaviors, but she sure tries.)

I foresee "fun" times ahead . . .


  1. LOL, I secretly loved those moments when Mary Elizabeth thought she could get me to ignore her naughty behavior just by saying, "Go way Mommy." I admit sometimes it was difficult; she was just so cute saying it and doing it! I am sure your Mary is just as charming and mesmerizing. :-)

  2. Ashley: Yesterday I heard scooching, so walked into the den to find Mary pushing the bathroom stool up to a shelf she is not allowed to climb. I just looked at her and asked, "What are you doing?" She answered, "Ummmm, nothing. GO AWAY, MOMMY! GO AWAY, GO AWAY!" Then she flung herself to the ground in despair because she was foiled.

  3. We are also quickly approaching terrible twos time. SHe does not want to eat in high chair anymore, gets super upset when I dress her and even learned to hit us. WHat happened to my sweet cuddly baby?

  4. Ah yes, strong willed children! :)
