Sunday, August 1, 2010

New Brown Dress

I think it's official that I'm becoming highly enthusiastic (some might say obsessed) about my new domestic interest in sewing. I first saw a dress online at another mother's blog and I wanted to make that dress. So I bought the pattern and first made the peasant dress because it was described as the easiest. Second I made the round apron dress to learn how to do it. Third, I finally adapted the pattern of the round apron dress (like that other mom did) to make the above dress. I extended the sleeves by two inches and I extended the bodice into a simple A-line. Also, I got the seams right this time, doing rolled hems and topstitching them, so the inside looks neat and clean. It took me only an hour and a half today! I have a yellow print with pink flowers with which I'm going to make a twin dress.

Tonight, some friends hosted us and another couple (mutual friends) for dinner and a lovely time was had by all.


  1. The dresses look great!!!! Were you able to make them for less than it would cost to buy a made dress? That is, sadly, what always keeps me from sewing....that and just not having a place at the moment to set up the sewing machine. Hopefully once the basement is finished up.

  2. Jamie: Unfortunately, these homemade dresses cost far more than I buy on storebought dresses. The last two cost about $25 each! I'd have to get out my receipt to calculate the fabric for this brown dress, although I did buy the brown fabric and yellow (for a future dress) at 35% off. I have been trying to buy off the sale rack, but I'm also going to a boutique fabric store instead of a big chain, so I'm getting much higher quality fabric and it's pricier. I'm not learning in order to save money, I'm learning because once children are beyond a pretty young age, finding modest clothing in the marketplace is very difficult. I want to be able to make some basic pieces and have them look good enough that a young lady will wear them and not feel humiliated, you know?

  3. Mary looks VERY cute in that dress...especially with those shoes!

    Nice work.

  4. You are becoming quite the seamstress!! I love the dress but LOVE Mary's pigtails more! She is so precious!

  5. That is exactly how I would dress my daughter if I had one. I love brown, and that dress is totally my style. So much fun to have a real life dolly :)

  6. Thanks for the compliments, everybody! Right now I am sewing pajamas for John and I swear they're going to be the death of me.
