Thursday, June 3, 2010

I Don't Need No Stinkin' Nap!

John and Mama can do fun projects together if he stays awake while Mary is napping! Sadly, I think John might be dropping his final nap. It's very confusing for me. He still seems to need a nap and, if I force it, he falls asleep for two hours, waking up refreshed and happy. But then when we put him to bed at eight o'clock (his having been awake since six in the morning), he stays happily awake, chattering in bed till 10:30 at night, then wakes up at 6:00 a.m. the next morning! And he doesn't entirely stay happily chattering, but calls us up to bed repeatedly to tell us that he is wide awake. Yet if I keep him awake and don't let him nap, then he crashes hard at 8:00 p.m., which we value--but the price is that he's been an overtired little beasty for the last many hours of the day. I'm not really sure how to proceed. Anyway, this week I experimented with not letting him nap, which let us do "Just Mama and John" projects, like the above Lincoln Logs cabin.

Photo, as taken by John


  1. Could John have a rest time without sleeping? Instead of doing projects while Mary naps, could you cuddle and read or do other very quiet activities (puzzles or audio books)? That might refresh him enough to avoid the crankiness, but still help him go to sleep early.

    My oldest stopped napping around 20 months, and if he chances to sleep (in the car) we have to have about three hours or more of VERY active play (usually outside) to put him to bed more or less on time (7-7:30). I also can't let DS2 sleep past 2PM or it's the same issue. Now that he's mostly weaned due to the pregnancy, I think he's dropping his nap too though he clearly still needs it.

  2. On the days he doesn't nap, you might try moving his bedtime up. My kids don't nap, but their regular bedtime is between 6 and 7pm. If nothing else, if he is a crank in the afternoon/early evening you don't have to put up with it for too long :-). Plus, he can't tell time yet, so moving his bedtime is easy still!

  3. That's a difficult time of life. I think the easiest thing to do is what you are mentally capable of handling that day---sometimes you just have to let him nap!

  4. I'd say if you're ditching the nap then up the bedtime (not ideal to do when it's lighter outside) but he'd probably sleep 'til the same am wake-up time.

  5. I was going to recommend the same as Kori. Put him to bed earlier if he doesn't nap. Try 7pm instead and he might actually end up sleeping later too.

    Ben was at my inlaws the other day and didn't nap and he was in bed and fast asleep at 7 and slept all night. That was an hour earlier to bed than usual.
