Tuesday, April 6, 2010

In Which John Discovers Knock-Knock Jokes

John's humor has advanced! Since probably one years old he has been making jokes in which he says something is one thing when it's clearly the other. "That's a bumble bee!" when clearly it is a caterpillar. Hardy har har! Or there's always the classic, "Have you seen John?" said from a lump beneath the bed covers.

Yesterday John told his first knock-knock joke and I don't know where he learned it (which means he probably learned it watching "Little Bear" television shows). It goes like this:

John: "I have a funny joke."

Parent: "Okay, I want to hear it."

John: "Knock, knock."

Parent: "Who's there?"

John: "John."

Parent: "John who?"

John: "It's just me."

Peals of laughter ensue--both the first time John tells it at the seventh time (in a row) that John tells it. Sweet boy!

1 comment:

  1. Very funny! Emma recently started telling a knock-knock joke...but it's a little inappropriate (she picked it up while watching something with Daddy!).

