Monday, December 28, 2009


There was a very sweet moment at breakfast today, one of those nice moments that makes up for the many ratty moments in childhood.

You see, when John was maybe two-and-a-half, we began suggesting that he say, "Thank you, Mama, for making dinner," at the dinner table. It was never a big deal, but after we suggested it a few times, he picked it up easily. Now he thanks me at every dinner, sometimes twice, and often at breakfast and lunch (which he also calls "dinner"). I really enjoy that. His gratitude for my "cooking" helps make up for the fact that he lives on about four foods, but that is another story.

This morning we were eating breakfast at a restaurant. John was munching away and then said to me, "Mama, the waiter [sic] is going to come back and I am going to tell her, 'Thank you for making dinner' [sic]."

And John did it!

1 comment:

  1. mencone9599How cute! I love it when William tells me "Dinner was so good, Mom. Thank you for that good dinner!". He also clears his plate after dinner, and it is sweet to watch. What a thoughtful little guy you have, Katherine.
