Friday, September 11, 2009

Preschool Curriculum Week Two

We're almost done with our first week of home-preschool. My biggest lesson I'm learning so far is that it seems to be working best for me and John (who, I must remember is still two years old, not even three) to squeeze in lessons where they fit and in casual settings. This needs to be fun for all involved! Therefore, with my below curriculum, I am considering it as a list of ideas to keep in mind. I will try to check off most of the ideas throughout the week, but many of these things can be done on the fly or in different locations. Reading can be done anytime, anywhere around the house. Food-related crafts and activities can be done when snack time would be happening anyway. I'm due to buy cat food anyway, so there is our "field trip" to see an aquarium. Songs can be sung in the car, on walks, wherever. The other thing I'm realizing is that this looks like a lot, but most of these "lessons" can be extremely short. Reading a book takes five minutes. We can crab walk around the living room for as short or as long as we want. This is a fun experiment.

Week Two (9/14-18/09): Letter “A”

Language Arts

The sound this letter stands for is the short vowel sound - /a/ as in apple.

Theme words - printed out coloring pages for apple, ant, ambulance

Sign Language - teach the ASL sign for the Letter A

Books and Poetry:

Ten Apples up on Top! by Dr. Seuss (requested from library)The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall (requested from library)
"Apple Song" by Frances Frost
"Applesauce" by Martha T. Lyon
“Ten Red Apples” by Author Unknown


The Ants Go Marching (idea: sing while marching around the yard)


Apples (try sprinkling with sugar & cinnamon to see if John will eat them), animal crackers (do simple math exercise with crackers: see below)


Monday: Feast day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (idea: color a cross, mount it on a stick, march around exalting a crucifix, like at Mass)

Tuesday: Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows (maybe go to Mass)

Read story of Adam and Eve (“Bible Stories for Little Children” pp. 5-9; various children’s Bibles)


Addition on an abacus - If you have an abacus this could be fun. If not you can use animal crackers or some other manipulatives and teach simple addition such as 1 + 1 = 2, 2 + 1 = 3, 3 + 1 = 4, 4 + 1 = 5, 2 + 2 = 4, 2 + 3 = 5. ( If your child is ready you could add up to 10 or more)

Social Studies

Talk about the job of an Astronaut.

“I want to be an astronaut” by Byron Barton.(requested from library)

Art Project

Animal Paper Bag Puppet

Supplies: paper bag, construction paper, crayons, scissors, glue

Choose your favorite animal to draw on the bag. Use construction paper to add ears, whiskers, etc. Color the puppet. Have a puppet show.


Do animal walks (e.g., crab walk)

Field Trip

Visit a pet store to see aquariums (to do: buy cat food and litter).

Montessori activities

Introduce the Montessori Color Tablets (got paint chips at paint store; need to organize)


  1. If you read about Johnny Appleseed, be sure to mention that Leo lives only 5 minutes away from the town of Leominster where Johnny Appleseed is from! We even have a statue here in town in honor of Johnny Appleseed! So if John likes the story, I'm thinking it will force y'all to come visit us? ;-)
