Tuesday, August 25, 2009

More Signing!

Pardon the pun, but Mary is now signing MORE, which makes two signs for her. She remains inconsistent in how she signs MORE: sometimes by clapping, sometimes two fists together, and sometimes one fist on an open palm. But Chris is my witness and we concur that her intent is consistent, she's just working on the fine motor skills. I love this stage when the two-way communication starts to flow. I've been repeating the same three signs for months, and now that she is showing comprehension, I'm going to start flooding her with signs. The next ones I'm thinking of adding to the mix are ALL DONE and DIAPER. I might try DADDY also because she isn't saying that word yet and maybe she'd pick up the sign. Fun for me!


  1. what sign did she sign first? Cole is signing more...

  2. Mariah: Neat, I didn't know you did signing with your babies! Mary understood NURSING first, but doesn't make that sign. Then she signed EAT first, then MORE.

  3. Yes, we love the "Baby Signing Time" DVDs. What do you use? I tried to use books but didn't quite understand it, plus Carli and Cole LOVE watching the babies sign!
