Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fully Automatic Fun Hat

Inspired by an episode of Curious George in which George makes a fully automatic fun hat, today John made his own fun hat.

Mary crept around beneath our feet, here playing with a sparkly pipe cleaner.

The final product!

John, taking a picture of me taking a picture of him.

That's one happy boy! John's cheerfulness was infectious for me, who was having a somewhat tough day. Insomnia struck last night and I got very little sleep, plus today I counted 33 mosquito bites on my lower legs because, while our local mosquitos seem not to care for my husband or children, I am an insect delicacy.


  1. Katherine,

    What a great idea!! Thanks! I will have to save that for a desperate day.

    You have such beautiful children! I love John's serious look! Precious!

    Cortaid is a miracle cream for mosquito bites. I have some stashed everywhere since Will is a mosquito magnet, too.


  2. I assume you must not like using mosquito repellant. If not, have you tried Avon Skin-So-Soft lotion? I'm told it has the side effect of repelling mosquitos. I used it on Theo last summer, when he was still so young that I wasn't comfortable even putting kid insect repellant on him. And I have to say, he never got a bite...

  3. ohh Katherine I am praying that your insomnia improves and you sleep restfully tonight. I struggle with chronic insomnia too and I don't think there is anything that can mess with you psychologically as lack of sleep and total exhaustion.

    I am a mosquito delicacy too and Claudio says the mosquito is the NJ state bird LOL. Did you know that they are more attracted to you if you eat bananas? I have no idea if you are eating bananas at the moment, but if you are that will definitely make it worse.

  4. I used Skin So Soft for years, but it doesn't seem to ward off NC mosquitos. I have DEET spray and should be using it. I forget, I'm lazy, then I suffer.

  5. Jamie: I've had insomnia for 14 years now. It is so psychologically awful. And then when pregnant last, I took Bendectin for the borderline hyperemesis--a main ingredient of which is Unisom sleeping tablets around the clock. Talk about awful. Thanks for your empathy--if you have insomnia, you know!

  6. Love the hat!

    So sorry about you being a mosquito meal! A couple of our girls tend to react very badly to the bites and end up with golf ball sized knots. We found that an old wives' remedy of sliced onion works wonders for bringing down the swelling. It's also great for bee stings. Not the most pleasant perfume, but it might help.

    It was so nice to see you, Chris and Mary the other night; my girls were upset that they didn't get to see darling Mary in the flesh. I assured them that she is even more beautiful in person! What a cutie!

    I hope you feel better soon!

  7. Katherine,

    I definitely understand. I have had insomnia since childhood. I don't really remember a time when sleep wasn't an issue. And once I don't sleep one night then the anxiety starts that I won't sleep again which of course leads to being unable to sleep. Terrible cycle. Melatonin has helped me...if you never tried it. Not sure if you can take while breastfeeding.

  8. I LOVE this stuff for mosquitos:


    DEET-free and has sunblock too. We use it camping all the time, and whenever we are out in the evenings.

    And insomnia is terrible!!!

  9. Enid: It was fun to see you too! I'd remember you anywhere.
