Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wild Kingdom!

Yesterday I did some gardening with John and I think Mutual of Omaha could host its "Wild Kingdom" from our yard! First we went into the backyard so I could trim off dead limbs from a bush. We met with our friendly neighborhood cat, who probably isn't feral but lives its entire life outdoors. He is overly friendly but was covered in fresh wounds from a fight, so he alternated between purring madly and hissing at John. I've seen this cat go berserk before, so after a couple of hisses, I forbade John from approaching the cat and ushered us out the gate to the front yard.

While I yanked the ever-sprouting crape myrtle shoots, John found a live cidada (huge, horrible grasshopper-like bugs that hum unceasingly for about three months in the South). Then we found a dead black beetle that reminded me of something I'd see on a National Geographic television special focusing on a tropical jungle. It was black, the size of my thumb with giant legs, and had large white circles on its back to look like eyes.

As I was kneeling in the pine straw and grass, yanking crape myrtle shoots, suddenly a snake slithered out from beneath my knee! It was a baby black snake, maybe six inches long. We've spotted perhaps six snakes in our yard in the year we've lived here, all different types and sizes, which is just a little bit creepy.

I finished with the crape myrtle shoots and some weeding and had just about had it with all this nature, so John and I walked up the driveway when I noticed something lumbering along looking like a monster out of a science fiction movie. It was, in fact, a squirrel that had either had its back skinned (perhaps by our resident hawk) or was dying of some kind of leprous disease. The poor thing was crawling slowly along our driveway, up our side porch, back down through the bushes, over our fence, and disappeared into our back yard. My skin felt like it was crawling just looking at the poor wretched creature.

I must not have learned my lesson because I took John outside this morning for a "whistling walk." He was allowed to bring the tin whistle his Grandmom brought him from Ireland and he whistled as we walked along. When we returned and played in the backyard, I discovered that it is that time of year when the giant spiders the size of a digit of my thumb create huge webs between our trees, such that one is walking along innocently and finds one's head encased in web (cue the screaming like a girl). Also, in the hot, moist morning, the mosquitoes were out in swarms, gathering around my body (I have at least 11 bites on my legs right now) and around my precious babies. I rushed us into our screened sun room pretty quickly.

Just let me know when all this nature is done with and it's safe to leave my house again!


  1. LOL...I'm reading this and thinking how cool that would all be to share with Emma!

    I'm "this close" to running out and buying her a pet lizard (of course, I'M the one who's been wanting a reptile, but my hubby isn't too keen on the idea, but if it's "for the kiddo" then he's all for it). :)

  2. I'm cringing just reading about the giant spiders. BLECH!! I can deal with bugs (though I can't say I really LIKE them), but spiders? ACK!

  3. Oh I know EXACTLY what you mean!! LOL

  4. Katherine,

    You will NOT appreciate this anymore than I did, but I have to share it as it was so comical at the time......

    I came home from the doctor yesterday afternoon and went into my bathroom to ready a warm washcloth for my eye. I turned on the hot water without paying much attention to the sink. I think I was talking to MaryElizabeth who was at my feet. So I turned around to wet the washcloth and out of the corner of my eye I saw something slithering!!!! By then it was mostly hanging down in the drain so all I could see was its head!!!! I jumped and screamed several times and DH came running (so glad he was here...just wish it was without pinkeye). IT was a baby skeenk. YUCK!!!! Blech!!! I don't like them anyway but to find one in the house, in my bathroom sink!....geesh!!!!!

    Ashley (who eventually did have to laugh about it all after her heartrate settled down to normal again)

  5. Ashley: I had to look up what a skink is. I would have been so scared!!! I don't know how you can walk into your bathroom now without checking everywhere first!
