Friday, June 19, 2009

Sorting Game

Using a basket and a pack of many-colored hair bands from the dollar store, I created this Montessori-style sorting game.

John might need more practice, more age, or more calming of "boy energy." I had to pick up each hair band, ask him where he saw the same color, and walk him through each step. I did notice that he got all his color matching right.

He simply preferred to squish hand fulls of hair bands, put them on his face, or throw them in the air. That's being a two-year-old boy!


  1. it's the boy thing. they're just balls of energy. they take a lot from me too :)

  2. Oh gosh, don't tell me boys have more energy than girls. If Jamie seriously has more energy than Emma, I'm in so much trouble!!!

    Neat sorting game.
