Saturday, June 6, 2009

Makeshift Ramp

We bought a sturdier umbrella stroller for our upcoming trip to California and John used the empty box to make a ramp for his array of vehicles.

Startling moment: Today we hosted a Catholic discussion group for a cookout. At one point, John had wandered inside and I promptly followed him because I knew there was an unguarded tray of cookies with the buffet of food. I walked in to discover that one of our adult guests was asking John where to find the bathroom and John immediately escorted her to it. I can hardly believe I have a child old enough that he can have a perfectly rational exchange of information with an adult: that he can help her find the bathroom!


  1. Katherine, you are training John up so well that I had every confidence he could understand and answer my request. :)

    By the way, you made a delicious spread of food for the gathering - the chicken and guacamole and sweet potatoes were soooo yummy! And thanks again for creating a pasta salad I could enjoy!

  2. Thanks, Frances! Here are recipes for the sweet potatoes and pasta salad:

  3. When are you coming out to California? And will you have time to meet up with your Prima/PULP friends?
