Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Visit from Grandmom and Pop-Pops

Very spontaneously Monday morning we all decided that the children's Grandmom and Pop-Pops would come visit us, arriving in time for dinner. Grandmom won great popularity by bringing a chocolate bunny and an Irish tin whistle for John.

Sitting on the bench discussing palm trees with Pop-Pops.

[I have two cute videos to upload, but I have noticed that our new Canon camera creates videos in QuickTime and they are anything but quick to upload! I thought the videos off our old camera took a long time, but for a one-minute video from our new camera, at least one hour is required to upload, during which time I can't use my computer for much. Very frustrating. I'll upload later if I can.]

1 comment:

  1. can you upload to youtube any quicker and then embed it here?
