Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Kitchen Drawer

In another Montessori experiment, I gave John a drawer in the kitchen (it seemed easier than a cupboard, but I might change my mind). In the drawer I have his drinking glasses, bowls, water pitcher, and utensils stored. I didn't draw special attention to the drawer, but John saw me go to it to get his water glass. He gasped and ran to it, exploring the treasures.

The drawer is below our double ovens, which might not be the safest, but I virtually never use that bottom oven, so I don't think it will be a problem.

John immediately retrieved his pitcher and a second glass, then proceeded to pour and drink, drink and pour. Later when he wanted a snack, he asked me to put it in a bowl. I said, "You can get your own bowl out of your drawer." He replied enthusiastically, "Oh, YES!!!" and scrambled to get a bowl. So cute.

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