Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cracking the Eggs

Every time we bake together, John begs to crack the eggs. Today--with the Montessori method and feeding/sensory therapy on my mind--I thought, why haven't I let him crack the eggs? He'll get messy and we'll wash his hands. He'll get shell in the eggs, but that's why I'll have him crack into a separate bowl. Sheesh, what is the big deal?! But once John felt what is inside of an egg, he was distressed and wanted little to do with it! I think this slide show is humorous:

After John cracked the first egg . . .

. . . he was unwilling to crack the second!


  1. Oh my goodness! That furrowed brow is priceless; he is so serious!! lol

  2. That's funny. Big shocker I know, I've never let my kids crack an egg. Ew. *I* don't even want to crack an egg.
