Sunday, March 1, 2009

Wearing My Ring Again!

Fun news for me! I haven't been able to wear my wedding ring since about halfway through my pregnancy with Mary (when I began wearing a bigger ring I had made thanks to a gift from my mother-in-law). I've been trying to lose some more of my baby weight and, with the last five pounds lost, discovered today that I can again wear my rings! Five pounds to go till pre-Mary weight, 10 pounds to go till pre-John weight, 15 pounds to go till marriage weight (not sure that last lofty goal is one for which I'm aiming). Picture of cute Mary and my new, thinner hands:
I thought this photo was "quintessential boy." We were all getting ready for Mass. When I let John run free, my boy climbed onto his new bed wearing his Mass clothes (and shoes!) and began playing with his remote-controlled car.


  1. Congrats!!! Pregnancy weight is harder to lose than people tell you, in my humble opinion, so I'm impressed that you've managed to shed it! I think the only thing that helped me shed mine was that I was on such a limited diet while nursing Theo. Otherwise, I'd surely still be carrying it around. :-)

  2. Ha about the shoes. I shall refrain from commenting ;)
