Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Sharpie Incident

Setting the stage: Chris and I are upstairs getting ourselves and the kids ready for running an errand. I notice it has become pleasantly quiet.

Katherine (casually): "Has John escaped?"

Chris: "Yes, I think he's downstairs."

[long pause]

Katherine (still casually): "You know, I think I left a pen out on the kitchen counter."

Chris went downstairs to check on John and, when I came down, I found this "signed" piece of artwork on what had been my Marian liturgical book.

Thus our first "Sharpie incident" proved the rule I have long instilled: "No pens may be left out anywhere at any time even if you think you won't be leaving the room or will be right back! And I mean ever!"


  1. That was very mild for a Sharpie incident. Our first Sharpie incident with Liam was a 1 week old brand new couch and several walls. The clean up was ... fun.

  2. Nothing was as painful a lesson for DH as the day he left out red and black permanent ink pens that our 2 y/o took to the computer screen. It wasn't a painful enough lesson since I still have to clean up pens after DH! :/ Glad yours wasn't worse.

  3. Well least John wrote on paper. He probably thinks he did the right thing.... very cute!! I love Mary when she discovered the stroller moved...she looked like she was enjoying moving in the stroller.

    God bless! Dottie

  4. Oh no! But I agree with the other least he drew on paper. He probably thought he was being a good boy!
