Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mary's Well-Baby Check

Mary had a well-baby check today so I got to find out just how much she has to weigh to have sumo wrestler thighs. The statistics:

Weight: 16 lbs 0 oz (97th percentile)
Height: 24 inches (58th percentile)
Head circumference: 16.5 inches (85th percentile)

Because Chris and I are super nerds, we created an Excel spreadsheet to compare these various measurements of John and Mary at equivalent ages. (Won't such a spreadsheet be so interesting when there are more siblings to compare, if God blesses us so?)

It has already been interesting to note that, although Mary was born two pounds heavier and two inches longer, by eight weeks old, she and John weighed almost the same (John 12 lbs 5 oz, Mary 12 lbs 10 oz) and had the same height (22.5 inches).

They were similar weights: Mary at four and a half months is 16 pounds, John at four months was 15 lbs 2 oz and at five months was 16 lbs 5 oz. But John was taller: at four months he was 25.3 inches while Mary is now 24 inches.

This is way more analysis than anyone else could possibly care about, but it's fun for Chris and me and maybe for the grandparents.


  1. I think it's great! All your hard nursing is paying off! You must 'got good milk' ;-)

  2. I like the spreadsheet! It is so much fun to compare everything as the kids get older and more come!

  3. Wow, good for Miss Mary! She seems to be growing and thriving just like her big brother! I'm always surprised that Theo's weight is below the 50th percentile, because to me, he looks like a chub (with sumo thighs like Mary's)...and we do demand feeding and always have, so he has always eaten however much he wants, whenever he wants. And people always comment, "Wow, what a chubby baby!" and really he's a bit below average. It's just so weird--you can never tell just by looking at a baby where they really fit in with regard to the percentiles and such. We have his one-year checkup in a week and a half, and I'm so curious to see where he's at now.
