Saturday, January 3, 2009

Teach Me a Lesson

I forgot the inevitability of writing publicly about the kids' sleep in yesterday's post. Of course the kids would prove me wrong. Last night John had one of the best nights in his life, waking only twice for a few seconds with no crying. Meanwhile, Mary woke all night, so I saw the clock in the one o'clock, two o'clock, three o'clock, four o'clock, and five o'clock hours. She stayed awake for an hour around 3:00. Then when I tried to go back to sleep at 6:00, Mary was extremely restless. I think she was having a lot of reflux come up all night and I ended up sleeping what time I did sleep sitting up with her on my chest so she could be vertical.

Serves me right!

(I say all this in good humor. One big lesson that has begun to sink in pretty good after a short two years of motherhood is that a mother cannot count on any consistency with young children. So, don't try. If Mama tries to expect to have order, routine, and consistency with babies, she'll go batty and become depressed at the futility of it all. Expect a degree of "spontaneity" (chaos) and everything feels a bit better.)


  1. Yes, I have had the same experience. God has humbled me many a times when I've spoken about how wonderful a sleeper my Leo's almost inevitable that after I say such a thing, I'll have a night where he mysteriously wakes up throughout the night. I think all babies are "high needs" in their own way.

  2. I couldn't have said it better myself. I think that's why mothers learn to appreciate every hour of sleep they get...and God thankfully gave us the ability to find that deep sleep in those precious few hours even when we have to sleep propped up with a little one.

  3. I love it...I'm sitting here nodding and smiling a knowing grin! I've had so many people ask "so, at what age did Emma settle into a consistent routine." All I can do it laugh, because as soon as she "settles into a routine," something happens like a major developments or teeth coming in! Any sort of appearance of a routine simply lulls mommies into a false sense of comfort. :)

  4. I couldn't have said it any better! Chris and I are still trying to come to grips with the fact that even though "the books" often suggest establishing a routine and consistency, IT DOESN'T WORK!! Better to just go with the flow...try the routine but just throw up your hands and smile when it doesn't work, which it inevitably won't. Theo reminds us of this daily. :-)

  5. this is funny bc i'm reading your blog at such a horrible hour with a wide awake babe.
    it took me having three kids to realize that having a clock in the room was a bad idea. it just served to remind me how much sleep i was missing.
    ignorance is bliss.
