I've been thinking about a particular outfit I bought Mary at my consignment sale trip a few days ago and considering dressing her in it for Mass next Sunday. (Yes, this is the kind of thing I think about since having a baby girl.) Yesterday I bought her first pair of tights and I couldn't wait for her to try on the ensemble, so I got her all dressed up for nothing today. Mary woke from a nap, wanting to nurse. Instead, I promptly took off her clothes, changed her diaper, then put on four layers: tights, then onesie, then adorable diaper cover, then corduroy dress.
As I grabbed my camera, Mary began screaming to nurse, she was really hungry. Selfish mother that I am, I thought, "I don't want to nurse her yet! If I nurse her, she will spit up on her dress before I can take a picture of it!" But she was crying by then, which would have made an awful picture, so my little daughter won that argument.
This is an outfit
entirely impractical for a newborn--but
so cute! Note the ruffled edges, embroidered roses, eyelets, and velvet bows. What is even sillier is that I wear Mary in my Maya wrap everywhere I go, so nobody ever sees her outfits, just her little head popping up out of a cocoon of black fabric!

John tried to make her smile for the camera.

And then I took off all the layers and put Mary back into her comfortable one-piece sleep-and-play outfit.
oh - but look how beautiful she looks in it! that *is* incredibly gorgeous! [it's almost impossible to *not* go gaga over baby girls clothing, and more impossible not to buy it all! LOL]
ReplyDeleteMoms are silly, but little girls have much better clothes than boys! I love that dress, too!
ReplyDeleteWith four girls, I still go nuts over girl clothing and dressing them up!! There is nothing cuter than chubby baby legs in tights! ;)
ReplyDeleteWhat a darling outfit on her! All she needs now are some tiny little pink, flowered Robeez. :)
ReplyDelete(And I am such a sucker for corduroy and embroidered detailing.)
Isn't dressing girls so much fun. It is still fun dressing Adriana although she is getting a little independent. Mary is so cute. God Bless.
ReplyDeleteYou forgot shoes. My newborn-sized robeez collection is scandalous :P
ReplyDeleteI love the look on her face in the first picture, like, "Mom, COME ON! I know I look adorable, but I'm HUNGRY HERE!!" :-)
ReplyDeleteShe is absolutely adorable! A little doll. I always dressed my girls up because I figured they didn't really care what they wore as long as they ate and slept and had diaper changes. It made me happy to see all the little feminine frills! Enjoy dressing up your little dolly, she will only be this little for a short while!
ReplyDeleteLOVE IT!!!
ReplyDeleteBy girl #4 I finally got the point that nobody would see their outfit until they were crawling. For Agnes I only had those footed play outfits and even now only have a few skirts/dresses for her, for Sundays.
Of course with my oldest, though I didn't buy a stitch, I ripped off tags every single day for a year!