Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Requisite Crayon-Eating Photo

John is allowed to draw only under direct supervision because he will still do nefarious things, like draw on furniture and eat crayons. Today, apparently, he sucked on a black crayon while I was a mere three feet away and concentrating on our end-of-year Health Savings Account paperwork. Sheesh.


  1. Ha! I am thankful every single day for washable Crayolas!!!

  2. Ditto to the washable Crayolas. They have a wonderful washable line! I'm happy to pay extra. We just introduced our boys to the washable paints. The three year old gets to paint a little more often than the 2 year old who wants to do those "nefarious things" with the paints now.

    I don't know how you discipline him....he always has such cute expressions! All it would take is one cute look on that precious face and voila, I'd melt. :)

  3. Oh yes, only washable crayons are allowed in this household!

    It is hard to discipline such a cute boy. But, Ashley, your boys are gorgeous, so you know how difficult it is!

  4. love it!
    charlie eats them too. heck even the 3yo took a bite the other day - hope it tastes good!
