Monday, November 24, 2008

What Do Toddlers Like?

I'm slowly figuring out some new tricks to help me "juggle" John, Mary, and domestic chores. Yesterday before Mass I introduced John to Play-Doh. Actually he wasn't thrilled with it and didn't seem to really understand how to play with it. He might be too young right now, but I'll give it a few more tries in the meantime.
In the afternoon, I took on the challenge of watching both kids by myself for about two hours so Chris could take a nap. I had to tend to Mary who was awake and cluster nursing and I desperately didn't want to turn on yet another cartoon. I thought to myself, "Toddlers! What do toddlers like? Ummmm . . . toddlers like water! How can I get water to John?" I spied the baby's bath tub, filled it with a few inches of water and some toys, and voila! John was occupied for a while.
During the time I had them alone, I even managed to cart them downstairs, clean the kitchen, and get dinner (delivered by a lovely lady from our parish) heating in the oven. I'm making progress!


  1. Water play is so much fun and an everyday event around here. Of course, so is multiple (wet) clothing changes.
