Tuesday, April 8, 2008

More Foods

I don't have any cute photos today, but want to give a quick update to Day 2 of the Course Correction. John rejected many foods today, but I was extremely impressed that he ate an entire slice of rye bread with peanut butter for breakfast (he normally won't eat any breakfast), about a half cup of dry Smart Start cereal (but wouldn't touch any pieces wet with milk), some rice at dinner, and a slice of sourdough with peanut butter before bed. Now, these are still all carbohydrates and constipating foods, but I'm still so happy that they're not cookies or crackers and that John was willing to eat some wet food (the PB)! I don't know why this baby rejects fruit so firmly when most kids love it, so we'll keep working on that one.

1 comment:

  1. If only we could mesh our boys together! Leo is loving fruit, but doesn't seem to like grain much!
