Saturday, January 26, 2008

Mama's Puzzle

Why, oh why, can't I help you with the puzzle, Mama?

A Mother's Question: What exactly is it that is staining all my shirts? Almost every one of my cotton shirts has become covered in what look like grease stains. John isn't spitting up anymore and I'm not dousing myself in salad oil, so I really don't know what is going on. Sometimes the stain treatment works, but after enough staining, it starts to fail me. That is how almost all my shirts--even new ones I bought six weeks ago--have ended up very blotchy. It is very frustrating that I already look pretty "simple" (to be charitable) in my clothing because it is baggy (has to fit me as I move up and down in size with pregnancy) and plain-colored (everything has to be mix-and-match to save time), but a lot of days I look downright dumpy now that I'm covered in stains. I believe my home might be infested with gnomes who are staining my shirts for fun.


  1. I'm guessing it's just *your* shirts??? Might there be something in your dryer??? I've run into that before.

  2. Is it possible that they are old spit-up stains? Sometimes they don't show up until an item has been in storage, or just not worn for a while. Or is it laundry detergent? Sometimes if you pour it directly on the clothes it will stain. I put it in first with the water running to avoid this.

  3. I use something from costco that is called oil eater cleaner degreaser (automotive section) to get out grease stains. I have some if you want to try it. It is safe for clothes, my mom's even used it on washable silk before.

  4. You can also soak anything colorfast in a warm or hot wash with a tablespoon or two of oxyclean powder for an hour or more and see if that helps. That might help prevent the stains before heating them on there semi- permanently in the dryer. Also try hang drying until you get the blotches out completely.

  5. Charlie is saying "hi" to John as he looks at his picture peering over the table!! LOL

  6. oh hey, i thought of something else... do you typically wear makeup or face cream? If so perhaps it is making its way to John's face and then to your clothes?

  7. Sara B.: You've given me my leading hypothesis. Sometimes I am lazy and throw the clothing in first, then pour the detergent powder (Charlie Soap) on top. I'm going to be diligent about always melting the soap in the water first and see if new stains stop appearing.

    Sarah: I'll look for that product next time I am at Costco.
