Friday, October 26, 2007

Out of Town

We are currently out of town attending the military funeral of a dear friend of Chris' family who served in the Air Force with Chris' father. As soon as Chris and I arrived at our hotel on the military base, we turned our back for one second and we found John sitting on the ground holding the following handwritten "Do Not Remove" sticker from an unknown something. We never figured out from whence it came!

Here are my two handsome fellas on our way to the wake on Thursday night. (Note John pointing, which is his favorite new thing.)
Here are me and John on our way to the funeral Mass on Friday morning. (Yes, John owns not only these two argyle sweater vests, but a third one too!)

We ate breakfast at the aptly named Base Restaurant:

After the funeral Mass at the base chapel, we all drove to Andersonville National Cemetery for the interment. The cars queued up and stayed still for about 30 minutes, so we let John play in the back of the van, an adventure which he thoroughly enjoyed.
Daddy surprising John from the back window:
After the internment, Chris and I briefly toured the Andersonville historic prison before going to the reception at the home of our deceased friend's daughter. Here we are back at the hotel room giving John a bath in the sink.

1 comment:

  1. Love the bath picture!! How adorable. *and* that cute l'il grin on John's face where Chris is holding him. Love it!
