Monday, September 17, 2007

"Crab Pajamas"

This morning I came upon John quietly "reading" a book. So sweet.

Tell me, who could resist squeezing this little boy wearing such cute pajamas covered in sea creatures?

  • John's new record for standing by himself is 11 seconds.
  • A few days ago, John kissed me back for the first time. Melt this mama's heart!
  • Does anybody want to try Netflix free for a month? Today in the mail we received four coupons to give to friends. Email me if you want a coupon code to use online.


  1. John sure looks like your dh! What a darling!
    Charlie gives kisses too. Poor thing...these girls don't leave him alone. "Give me a kiss, Charlie!...Me next...Now me!" He'll let them know when he's done by swatting them in the face :O)

  2. Isn't that first kiss amazing!!! It's enough to make you want to burst!
