Thursday, September 13, 2007

Conscience of a Conservative (Edited)

This morning I came across Daddy reading Barry Goldwater's The Conscience of a Conservative to John. This baby will rarely sit still in my lap long enough to look at a board book, but he sat relaxed in Daddy's lap for five minutes. Chris was reading the text about communist dictators in the sing-songy voice appropriate to reading a children's book. It was hilarious!

EDIT: Some hours later, while I was in the kitchen not 20 feet away and John was playing in the living room, I was alerted to sounds of choking. I raced to John and dug the offending item out of his mouth. Paper! But from what source? Then I saw it . . . Daddy had left his morning reading on the floor for John to find. The baby bit the corner off and nearly tore off the cover. Shall we interpret this to mean that John loves Barry's writings so much that he wants to eat them or that John is going to be a liberal?

Breaking Format

I do not normally post items of news, but I'm failing to resist doing this. Read this article about an Episcopalian priest(ess) who is both Christian and Muslim. Does anyone want to play the game in which we try to count how many things are wrong in this article? I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

1 comment:

  1. Well, we can state unequivocally that he gagged on Goldwater.
