Monday, July 9, 2007

A Tearful Monday for John

John playing this morning after our walk:

At lunchtime John tried plain yogurt for the first time and finally found a food that didn't make him screw up his face in utter disgust and spit out the food. He didn't exactly swallow it, but he let the yogurt remain in his mouth. He still does not open his mouth for the spoon approaching, even though he gets the concept.

Mild disgust is an improvement:

We think John is teething or perhaps feeling ill. Lots of screaming--nay, howling--and tears today.


  1. Oh! Teething is tough! Emma's first two teeth came in at 5 1/2 months, and it was pretty hard on her. Then all four of her top came in at once about a month ago, and that was REALLY harsh.

    Poor babies!!! Can you just imagine what it must feel like to have sharp little teeth pushing through your gums?? Painful and confusing at the same time.

  2. Tag, you're it!
