Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Shots from our Day

Missy looking on while John plays in my office:

I bought John a sippy cup (some fancy new kind with a valve) and some soft infant spoons to play with while he sits in his big boy booster seat during dinner. They're just toys, in his opinion, but they look like Mommy and Daddy's toys. In fact, he barely stuck the spoon in his mouth (not even the length of the scooped portion) and seriously gagged, proving that his infant gag reflux to keep out foreign objects is still working wonderfully. John continues to show no interest in food (beyond thinking it is a toy to play with) and is very satisfied to play with utensils. We had to position the right end of the cup in his mouth to get this photo:

Most of the time, he sucked on the handle:

After dinner, Daddy played a tickling game with John and elicited many sweet giggles:

Feeling Old. Today at the grocery store while checking out, the bagger, who was a young man around 20 years old, grabbed my bag of gummy candy (my terrible vice) and said, "Duuuude! I wish you were my mom! She only buys me healthy stuff, like Kashi." My head whirled. My pantry is full of the Kashi products I have thrust upon my husband. And I won't buy my son the kind of bags of gummy candy I buy for myself. But most perplexing of all: this young man thinks of me as a mom? I was 20 years old just yesterday! I was in college last week! It would never occur to me to make such a comment to somebody only ten years older than me, so this bagger must have thought of me as much older and more motherly than I am, while I think of myself as practically a young girl who is fumbling along with this baby, trying to figure things out as I go. I thought I was so young that a 20-year-old man might actually look at me as a pretty woman, but I guess I'm "just a mom" now. Dude!


  1. I know what you mean! To this day when my kids say Mommy (esp. at my mom's house) i sometimes don't realize they are talking to me. I'm not MOM! I'm just a girl! :-)

    You will feel differently your first night out without John, when it's just you and Chris. You can even hope people think you are boyfriend and girlfriend. :-) It's rare but it does feel good once in a while, to act like you feel (a young girl) instead of being/becoming this foreign person (a mom).

  2. Hahaha! I'm not laughing at you, but with you. Once you become a momma, you do look like one. Wear your new look as a badge of honor, you earn that badge every time you wake during the night, clean up after your son, and serve both him (someday) and your husband nutritious meals, with an occasional gummy treat to keep him happy.

  3. Duuuude! It's 'cuz you were with your too cute baby that he recognized your momhood, not 'cuz you looked old enough to be his mom. Otherwise he would have engaged you in a more adult conversation about gummys ;)
