Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day 2007

Chris created such a lovely Mother's Day for me! In the morning, I woke up to find a Dove chocolate bar tucked in John's pajamas. I came downstairs to find a blooming azalea bush (which we'll later plant in the yard), a card and gift from the cats (Haribo gummy bears), a card and gift from Chris (Red Vines), and a card and gift from John (a framed photo of himself). The sweet gifts were wrapped in white printer paper because Chris didn't know where I stored the wrapping paper.

The cats appreciated me in their own special way. Their card read: "Dear Human Mom, Thank you for all the years of prompt feedings (not counting last night). Don't worry about the dry water bowl. We actually like drinking your husband's bath water* . . . just about as much as we liked that first class airfare plane ride.** Even though we deserve better, we still love you. Love, Oliver & Missy."

* I regularly let their water bowl run dry and we find out because, as Chris steps out of the shower, the cats leap inside and frantically start licking up the water droplets off the tile. ** This refers to the flight from California to Georgia when I moved here with the two cats.

After I opened my gifts, Chris cooked me blueberry waffles and bacon. Yum! Following are some scenes from my day. You can see that John has learned how to maneuver in his jumpy seat, so that he can rotate and lean forward to get that darned frog in his mouth.

How beautiful is my boy? You see why I think I need body guards to protect John from being snatched for his cuteness!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katherine!
    I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! That last picture of John is breathtaking. He is quite a looker. What a beautiful boy. I didn't know boys could be pretty-? Hugs,
    Aunt Holly
