Thursday, May 24, 2007

Creeping and Swimming

Today John practiced proto-crawling on the carpet for the first time.

In another first, John played in his new kiddie pool!

John had two fun animal encounters today. For the first time Oliver laid down alongside John while the baby was nursing. Perhaps Oliver has been waiting lo these five and a half months for John to reach out in friendly invitation, like he did yesterday!

While we were at PetSmart buying cat food, I stopped by the small animals section as I enjoy looking at the tiny critters. When I paused in front of the cage of about 18 parakeets, John began laughing. We stayed there about five minutes and every time another parakeet would fly across the cage John would let our peals of laughter. He thought they were the greatest!


  1. I have always been able to keep any child's hand still enough to trim his nails, no matter his age (and no matter if he is related to me). I have no idea why. I can try it with John and see if my charm holds true for him too.

    Funny about the parakeets. :-)

  2. I love the head on the ground for a rest due to all the exertion... ;)

  3. Where did you get John's hat? Love it!

  4. Courtney: We received the hat as a hand-me-down from a neighbor, now eight years old, who used to wear this hat when he was a baby. So cute!
