Sunday, April 1, 2007

"Your baby doesn't like French people!"

Daddy took Mommy, John, and Teddy to Mass this morning:

After Palm Sunday service, we had a parish picnic at a nearby park, where John got to visit with his God-daddy . . .

. . . and his God-mommy!

However, by the time our dear French Fr. D. held John, the baby's patience for strangers had run out!

Lastly, we are excited to announce that John is now officially laughing! We've been watching him "laughing" in his intent for a month, but we weren't sure whether his sounds were true audible laughter. John's godmother--who is an expert because she has raised seven children--confirmed today that John is definitely laughing and I believe she thought we were quite silly for not seeing the obvious truth for ourselves. Chris and I think John has been making the true laughing noise for about one week, so that's what I'll enter in his baby book.

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