Thursday, April 12, 2007

Sewed My First Wrap

I am posting this while my honeybee is crashed out for his first morning nap:

Yesterday, I witnessed two feats of strength while John was having tummy time (but couldn't capture either on film). When I first set him down, he had his knees tucked under, so for a moment, he held himself up with his forearms and knees as the only points of contact with the ground. Then later, he pushed himself up on his tippy toes, so his toes and forearms were the only points of contact. Proto-crawling!

This morning, John was having a smiling, giggle-fest in bed, so I thought it was a great moment to snap some photos. Of course, as soon as he saw the camera, the only smile to be found was on the frog on his pajamas:

Some tickling with my left hand while snapping a photo with my right hand caught this:

Look at that new two-handed manipulation!

Last, I am excited to announce that I have sewn my own Moby wrap! As some mamas know, slings and wraps can be addicting. Who can have only one? Each style is useful for a different purpose and then a lady needs many colors and fabrics to match her wardrobe. This is a light sable-colored cotton gauze wrap for the heat of summer. I made quite a few mistakes, but it functions and that's what counts for now! Better than the baby clothing patterns and fabric I have from before John was born, still in the Joann's bag, under my sewing table . . .

Today, our little family is off to the La Leche League of Georgia's 28th Annual Breastfeeding and Parenting Conference in Helen. I'm currently the librarian of our local chapter and I'm pursuing the training possibly to become a chapter co-leader!


  1. That is awesome that you are considering becoming a LLL leader! (I went through the initial application process but never finished the training (paperbag) and then before I knew it, had kind of grown out of my LLL days. *sigh!) Have fun at the conference! I love going and I am sad that I had to miss this year.

  2. Katherine, it looks great! You are quite talented. Hopefully someday you can teach me all about the wraps (if we are blessed with number 3). I hope you have a good time in Helen.

