Monday, February 19, 2007

You Know You're a Mom When . . .

. . . you're not sure whether the smear on your shirt is baby poop or peanut butter (and you're too tired to care very much).

I am amazed at how much laundry having one measly newborn creates. In John's early days, he might go through five outfits a day. Now he emanates less bodily fluids, but he still goes through two to three outfits per day. Also, in the beginning I would change his outfit if he spit up, but I quickly learned to change him only if he utterly soaks himself in spit-up or if he pees or poops on his clothing.

Not only do I have John's clothing to wash, but he dirties my clothing as well. I used to stretch any given item of clothing for more than one wearing, but no longer. I think it's a good day if I wear only one top and bottom in a day and not more than that.

For example, yesterday at Mass John spit-up all over my blouse. (Better than last week during Mass when John pooped on my dry clean only skirt.) Then I came home, changed blouses, and he promptly peed all over my skirt.

As another example of the rhythm of my life, this morning I crawled out of my warm bed in the wee hours to change John's diaper. Once back in bed, he spit up profusely on his outfit, so I wearily crawled back out of bed to put him in dry clothing. I crept back into bed, and within moments, John simultaneously spit up all over his new outfit and filled his diaper. Out of bed again . . .


  1. And get this: One load of cloth diapers requires THREE washes: cold with detergent, hot with detergent, then cold rinse. So, it's even more than just one simple wash. It's true, I might be insane.

  2. Cost is one factor. Mostly, disposables and their superabsorbant gel creeps me out. However, I've read several cost calculators and it does seem that cloth is cheaper over the lifetime of the baby, and cheaper still considering you re-use cloth diapers with future children. See here for one:
