Tuesday, February 27, 2007

We Need a Bodyguard

This morning I asked Chris if we could increase the household budget to afford hiring a bodyguard. I think John will need one to protect him from the mothers who will become crazed and want to kidnap him when they see him wearing such a darling outfit during our errands this morning.

Now I understand why mothers (and you know it's the mothers) put shoes on their infants' feet. It really takes the outfit from sweet to so-cute-I-want-to-eat-you. (As an aside, I bought the overalls, polo shirt, and shoes at the recent consignment sale, probably for $8 total. I never want to buy new again! My big, healthy boy John at 3 months is wearing 6-month overalls and shirt.)

For a couple of weeks, John has been discovering his hands. Well, specifically his left hand. He has not yet made the acquaintance of his right hand. Sometimes he'll even be crying and his left hand will pass in front of his face, causing him to stop crying and stare at it intently. "Whoa, there it is again! I must have that hand! Come here, little hand, come into my mouth, I won't hurt you. Oh yes, I will! Mmmggppfgrfmmm . . ."


  1. hmm, you think he will be a lefty?
    i like your little narration sequence. cute.

  2. I don't know that John will be a lefty. I think I recall reading that babies don't truly express their hand-orientation till much later (a couple of years? I don't know). So, it's still a question mark!

  3. that is true but i found whenever my kids started preferring one hand even early on (3 months) that is the hand that they eventually came to use for most everything. not a "for sure" thing but I think a strong tendency can manifest itself pretty early. Soren looks like he will be a righty but I guess the jury is still out. Christina seems to chew on her left hand more... I'll have to start noticing...
