Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Daddy at Work = Fewer Photos by Mommy

My first two days "home alone" while Chris returned to working in the office went well enough, I think. On Tuesday, all by myself, I managed to take John to his doctor's appointment, stop by the store, and cook black bean soup. The soup took me all afternoon because I only had time to throw in a couple of ingredients at a time before I'd need to tend to John.

On my second day on my own, John was awake a lot, so I got fewer tasks done. However, I did succeed at taking a 2-mile walk with John, picking up the messy living room, and doing half of one load of laundry (the washing, but not the drying).

At John's 4-week well-baby check, we discovered that his growth is fantastic! All his nursing around the clock is showing good results! Also, John is tracking faces and objects, and his pediatrician says that the smiles we are witnessing are real, not gas.

Weight at birth: 6 lbs 11 oz (19th percentile)
At 4 weeks: 8 lbs 5 oz (18th percentile)

Head circumference at birth: 33.0 cm (10th percentile)
At 4 weeks: 37.5 cm (37th percentile)

Length at birth: 19.0 in (26th percentile)
At 4 weeks: 21.0 in (33rd percentile)

I've been too busy to take many photos the last couple of days, but here are two from today. The first is John sleeping in his Pak N Play while I cooked myself lunch.

The second is John sleeping in his bouncy seat in my office while I did some paperwork. Look at those plump cheeks!

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't noticed! The doctor's chart gives John's height in inches and centimeters, but his head circumference only in centimeters.

    Yes, Chris has been amazingly helpful. He thinks my most important job is nurturing John right now. I am incredibly blessed.
