Friday, December 15, 2006

How I Trick My Son Into Kissing Me

Usually moms do not need to figure out how to wheedle kisses out of their sons until their boys reach their teens. I'm working on my techniques now. John now has a great ability to latch on to nurse -- onto whatever brushes his cheek. So, when I kiss his cheek, he moves like lightening and "latches" firmly onto my lower lip. Success!


Skills I can now manage while holding sleeping John in one arm: applying eyeliner (even with my non-dominant hand), organizing the refrigerator, writing Christmas cards, typing.


  1. Way to go John!

    How are you managing with the sling type apparati? Do they work for you at all?

  2. So far John does not like the Hotsling or Moby Wrap. He may need to be a bit bigger. I just ordered a Kangaroo Korner pouch.
