
Medical Complexities

Click here for our family's medical journey, and we always appreciate prayers.

Cancer Charities that Directly Blessed Our Family

This list will be a long one and is in progress!

Beads of Courage

Childhood Leukemia Foundation: They gave us a gift basket of educational items.

Homemade pillow cases

Homemade quilts

Luca's Light: They do bedroom renovations and playground installations, and they are planning to install a playground for Thomas and his siblings.

Pinky Swear: They helped pay our bills and mortgage. I also noticed at the hospital where Thomas was inpatient for four and a half months that Pinky Swear kept the Family Kitchen stocked with snacks, which is helpful for parents who can't even leave their children's sides to go down to the cafeteria: hospital policy usually does not provide guest trays of food for parents.

Other Cancer Charities I Know Of

The E.V.A.N. Foundation: This program brings a rolling cart full of small toys and treats to the rooms of cancer patients. It launched at our home hospital, Levine's, a couple of months after we discharged and I know just how much this helps distract little patients.

Songs of Love: Parents fill out a form describing their child and song writers compose a fun, unique song honoring that child.

Camp Sunshine:


  1. Is this the most current update ? Praying every day for Thomas

    1. Thank you for the prayers! Thank you for the nudge: I just updated this page with the last few weeks of medical information. Of course, the nitty gritty blow-by-blow is found by reading the main blog pages ( which I publish about once weekly, but then you'll also have to dig through just reading about our life and homeschooling. :)

  2. Your latest blog news about the results of your precious son’s scans brought some tears when reading his response to the news. I have been taking care of a loved one with cancer for the last two years so I’ve experienced with him the anticipations, hopes and yes the determination to carry on. So many of us are rooting and praying for him, for you his parents and family and hoping that the new plan will bring positive results. With God all things are possible.

  3. Your latest blog news about the results of your precious son’s scans brought some tears when reading his response to the news. I have been taking care of a loved one with cancer for the last two years so I’ve experienced with him the anticipations, hopes and yes the determination to carry on. So many of us are rooting and praying for him, for you his parents and family and hoping that the new plan will bring positive results. With God all things are possible.

  4. Your latest blog news about the results of your precious son’s scans brought some tears when reading his response to the news. I have been taking care of a loved one with cancer for the last two years so I’ve experienced with him the anticipations, hopes and yes the determination to carry on. So many of us are rooting and praying for him, for you his parents and family and hoping that the new plan will bring positive results. With God all things are possible.

  5. Your latest blog news about the results of your precious son’s scans brought some tears when reading his response to the news. I have been taking care of a loved one with cancer for the last two years so I’ve experienced with him the anticipations, hopes and yes the determination to carry on. So many of us are rooting and praying for him, for you his parents and family and hoping that the new plan will bring positive results. With God all things are possible.
